Saturday, 16 October 2021

SWSEIC Wildlife Recorders' Gathering 2021 Online presentations: Saturday 13th November, am Walks: Tue 2nd Nov & Sat 20th Nov



SWSEIC Wildlife Recorders' Gathering 2021

Online presentations: Saturday 13th November, am
Walks: Tue 2nd Nov & Sat 20th Nov

Birdwatcher ©castigatio/
SWSEIC would like to invite all wildlife watchers and recorders in SW Scotland to our autumn online gathering on Saturday 13th November. The event is open to birders, entomologists, botanists, mycologists - in fact anyone at all, amateur or professional, beginner or experienced, with an interest in our local wildlife.

Continued uncertainties regarding the COVID-19 situation prevent us from hosting a full day in-person conference-style event as we would normally, but instead we are joining with our colleagues from Garnock Connections Landscape Partnership to bring you a half-day of online presentations.

An important part of our annual recorders gathering is also networking with other recorders. Therefore we will also be running some expert-led walks to enable small groups of recorders area to meet up in the Garnock Connections area and improve their recording and ID skills for particular species groups. Please note that the walks are not taking place on the same day as the conference and places are limited.

The online event is free and there is a small charge for each of the walks.
Find out more and book your place here

Finding and Identifying Wildlife

Sunday 7th November, 2-3.30pm
Stevenston Beach Local Nature Reserve, North Ayrshire

You don’t have to travel to remote places to find wildlife – there’s a lot to be discovered in and around towns and villages. Aimed at beginners and less experienced wildlife recorders, join SWSEIC and Garnock Connections staff for a short walk on the beach and along footpaths around Stevenston Local Nature Reserve to see what we can find – birds, plants, marine life or anything else. We will be demonstrating the use of some smartphone apps to help you with identification and recording.
Book your place on the Stevenston Walk here
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