Sunday, 21 June 2015

Battle of Waterloo/ Father;s Day

SUNDAY 21st JUNE 2015


Good morning and a warm welcome to morning worship.  A special welcome to all Dads and Grandpas this morning, this being Fathers’ Day. Teas and refreshments will be served as usual in the Church Hall after the service at Kirkton.

Co-incidentally this week is the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo (18th June 1815). Members of our church may or may not know that here in Kirkton in our church graveyard is the gravestone of a man who survived that great battle despite losing a leg.

“The Waterloo Soldier” was John Bramwell, a young ensign  in the Gordon Highlanders. His wife Nancy came from Sanquhar and together they farmed at Blackaddie. Later he moved to Kirkmahoe and died at West Gallaberry aged 85 years.  His gravestone near the North Western corner of the Church also records the death of his wife and 3 daughters.

Morag Williams, from whom this information has been supplied, has donated a floral item today so that one of our members, also an ex-soldier, will lay it on the appropriate grave after today’s service.

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