Sunday, 21 April 2013

Answers to BT1303

Old Duncow Mill
Correctly identified by Niamh Wallace

The name Duncow or Duncol, as it was, comes from dun which is of a dull greyish brown to brownish grey colour

And col which is the lowest point of a ridge or saddle between two peaks, typically affording a pass from one side of a mountain range to another.

1)      The name is Duncow 'Auld Meal Mill' or just Duncow Mill on OS maps.

2)       It is located on the left uphill from the bridge at West Duncow Lodge
on the left fork of the back road that leads to Newlands.

3)      There were other mills in that  part of Duncow
pre-20th Century.  In the New Statistical Account, written by Rev. John
Wightman in 1834, under the section 'Eminent Men', there is a statement:
"The present archdeacon of Calcutta, Daniel Corrie, belongs also to this
parish, and received his education at the parochial school. His
grandfather was tenant of Duncow mill, and his father was curate at
Colsterworth in Lincolnshire." The father of the late Mary Melrose, nee
Corrie, of Bridge House was a tenant of West Duncow Farm (now Tetten
Hall). ....was this the same family of Corries?
A man called Edgar was the miller in the 20th century at
one point. Parish talk suggests that the unfinished Windmill Stump near
Castlehill was started when a dispute arose between millers at Duncow,
but as it was resolved the stump was never completed.
If anyone has more information or photographs about Duncow Mill we should be glad to receive it for our archives.

Here is a piece of information just received from Morag Williams

D&G Courier June 1 1836

New Bone Mill at Duncow.
John Johnston intimates “that he has lately erected at Duncow in the parish of Kirkmahoe a Bone Mill of the most scientific construction...The situation of the mill is central with good roads in all directions.” orders may be left with Mr Johnston, bookseller, Dumfries.

May 16 1836, page 1, column 6.

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