Saturday, 18 December 2010

Race to Infinity Update

I have taken some info off this site which I think you will agree, means that we have been a teensy bit tardy in this area, regarding our Broadband. However we can make this up with a massive surge in voting over the next week or so. So everyone tell your friends about it and get everyone voting!


Dumfries and Galloway

Percentage of votes

.36 votes have been cast out of a total of 1,156

'VOTE NOW' and your area could be next to enjoy superfast broadband

This also came off the BT site which starts to explain what the Race to Infinity is all about.

Race to InfinityVote now and your area could get BT Infinity next
WelcomeLoginHTML VersionHomeThe Race ExplainedExperience BT InfinityCampaign for BT Infinity.BT What is The Race to Infinity?
Over the next five years BT is rolling out superfast fibre optic broadband across the UK. If you're not on the announced roll out plan The Race to Infinity gives you the opportunity to fast track your area to get BT Infinity next.

The five areas with the largest percentage of votes by December 31st 2010 will win the chance to bring superfast broadband to their area. BT will also donate £5,000 of computer equipment to a local community project.

Whether you're big on social networking, gaming, streaming, uploading or downloading, prepare to have your life transformed with superfast speeds.

To vote simply go to 'VOTE NOW' and enter your details. Don't forget to pass it on to your friends on Facebook and Twitter to get your area to the top of the scoreboard.

Visit our FAQs page if you have further questions about the race.

1 Top speeds affected by various factors including distance from the cabinet and internal wiring.
- Winning exchanges will be enabled in early 2012 subject to availability, survey, terms and conditions
- Exchanges need 1,000 premises votes to be eligible to be one of the winning exchanges
- One vote per address
- Race ends midnight 31st December 2010

Go to this site TODAY to register your vote!

If anyone wishes to volunteer to campaign for Faster Broadband in the area, the BT site has a Campaign Pack which can be downloaded, with info on how to campaign in your local area.

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