Saturday, 10 September 2022

Arrangements relating to the death of Queen Elizabeth II

 Note our nearest book of condolence is at DGC Customer Service Centre, Lochthorn, Locharbriggs, Dumfries, DG1 1UF

Dear Community Council,


We thought it would be helpful to give you an update in an email about arrangements relating to the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Our Council’s website contains useful information Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - Dumfries and Galloway Council (


Books of Condolence - The Council website gives details of the various venues, mostly Customer Service Centres, where Books of Condolence are available for signing, complementing the Palace online Book of Condolence.  Please note that should there be anyone who can’t contribute in either of these ways, please let us know and we will make alternative arrangements.  Your assistance in making this known to people in your area would be appreciated.


Donations, tributes and Gardens of Remembrance – supporting the Queen’s charities and organisations of which she was Patron is encouraged, and the link to find these details is also on the website. However, should people wish to lay flowers and other tributes that is of course respected. A small number of Gardens of Remembrance are being promoted, places where there is space and a reflective environment, and any other locations where flowers are laid will be kept tidy. Your support and assistance with this, complementing the Community Assets team in your area, would also be appreciated. If there’s significant volume that means any walkways are affected please just let us know by contacting so we can relocate any tributes if required.  Hopefully of course, the tributes can remain where people have chosen to lay them. They will be collected after the funeral, with photographs being taken beforehand for our archive.   Senior Elected Members and Lord Lieutenants, Vice and Deputies will be laying small wreaths at various locations, mainly Gardens of Remembrance, during the period of Mourning – there are no formal services for this but there will be photographs taken for our archives. Should your Community Council be doing anything similar, please do send us your photographs.


Meetings and events – the Guidance issued by the UK Government (again available through the Council website) highlights that public buildings remain open, meetings and events can continue during the period of Mourning, so it is a matter for your individual Community Council to determine what your arrangements are should you have anything planned. Our Council has postponed routine Committee meetings as a mark of respect, but is having a special meeting of Full Council to reflect on the Her Majesty The Queen’s death and the King’s accession. Where events can be postponed this is happening, and some non-celebratory events are continuing.


Proclamation events – following Guidance from the Scottish Government Protocols Office last night, there will be small events in Stranraer, Kirkcudbright and Dumfries tomorrow alongside the laying of wreaths by the Lord Lieutenant and a Council representative in these locations. Details of the timing and locations will be posted on the Council website and shared with local media as soon as possible today – members of the public are welcome to attend.


Should you have any queries please email or phone myself or Liz Manson on 07826 512 765


Kind regards,




Hazel Kerr

Community and Democratic Services Officer

Community Development, Engagement & Locality Working

Communities Directorate

Municipal Chambers, Buccleuch Street,

Dumfries DG1 2AD

Internal:      ext 60497

External:     030 33 33 3000 ext 60497

Mobile: 07917 078 862

Drop Point: 300 


Twitter:       @DGCEmpowerment

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