Friday, 12 February 2021

Litter Grabbers Locations

 Litter Grabbers Locations Click on this grey link for locations

Hello All, 

I had my Covid jab this morning, and I expect many of you have already had yours.  Let's hope that it is the start to being able to get together as a community before too long.

The Community Council and Discover Kirkmahoe have bought some litter grabbers which are available for anyone to use to help collect the vast amount which gets deposited on our verges.  There is one in each phone box, Kirkton and Dalswinton and the others are being looked after by members of the community who will use them and keep them safe for others to use too.  A list of their locations is attached.

Another issue is that there is a group of young people, mainly lads of about 13 who are riding their bikes dangerously on the roads near Kirkton and also visiting Carnsalloch House which is a dangerous place.  If you encounter them, please contact the Community police officers. The details are

And finally, We are considering producing a printed copy of Grapevine in the Spring.  If you are able to contribute, especially on behalf of a community organisation, please let me know.  I don't need the article yet, just to know that they will be forthcoming.

Keep safe, keep warm and keep looking out for each other!

Best wishes, 

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