Saturday, 22 August 2020


 Harestanes 1         Harestanes 2

Hello All, 
We seem to be getting used to the Covid regulations.  Personally, in some ways I have enjoyed the quieter lifestyle, although I know it's not been easy or comfortable for many people.  Please remember that the Support Group is still in operation if we are needed.  

I wonder if anyone has kept a Covid diary,  or painted in response to the situation.  If so, we'd love to see what you have been inspired to create.

It's been a while since the last bulletin, but today we have a few issues to share with you.

Firstly,our broadband survey showed that 60% of respondents have less than 10Mb/s download speed.  Promises of upgrading are taking some time to fulfil, but in the meantime, look at and see if you might be eligible for a £400 voucher to improve things for you.

Secondly, Hoddam is proposing a westward extension to their gravel workings at Kilblane which will take them up to Quarry Road.  The Community Council is working on a response which will include mitigation measures.  We want to work cooperatively with Hoddam on this.  If you want further information, there is a website, which outlines the proposal in some detail.

And finally, you may have received the attached document from Harestanes windfarm in the post.  As it only arrived this morning, the Community Council has not looked at the issues, but will do so in the near future.

Best wishes, 
The Grapevine Team

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