Friday, 3 July 2020

E Grapevine 7

Hello Again, 

Here is your wildflower of the week and also a surprise creature!

And a couple of short video clips of a fledgling swallow which I watched while it sheltered under the car for hours one day last week.  Its parents fed it every few minutes and eventually it flew, but only after a very long time! Baby Swallow     Baby Swallow 2

KCC is regularly getting messages from D&G Council about funding available to help people who are finding it tough to manage.  As yet, we have not applied for any of this because we have had no requests.  Please do get in touch if you think you would be eligible.

And it seems that after a good spell with no new Covid cases, D&G now has a small number of new infections so we must still be careful and follow the advice and guidance from the Scottish Government.  

And, as always, if you have something to contribute to eGrapevine, please send it to us.

Best wishes, 
The Grapevine Team

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