Wednesday, 22 July 2020

KCC meeting 22 .07 on Zoom with link Wildflower. and Quiz

Hello All, 
Firstly, a reminder that there will be a Zoom Community Council meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm.  If you would like to join in, please let us know and we'll send the meeting details to you.  You do not have to have Zoom installed on your computer, all you will have to do is click on the link you are sent.

And thanks to Trevor Hayward for sourcing us another quiz.  Four rounds today, and more later.  Hope you enjoy it.  

It's good to see that there are still lots of us out walking and cycling.  Do you think we will keep that up or will we want to go back to using gyms?  And thinking of that, a local community group is very tentatively looking at the idea of installing some outdoor adult fitness equipment in the play park at Kirkton.  Would you use it if it was there?  What sort of things would you like to see?

And as always, if you have something you'd like to share in eGrapevine, please send articles to this email address.  

Looking forward to hearing your news, 

The Grapevine Team

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Online Zoom, ordinary meeting of Kirkmahoe Community Council



 There will be anon Wednesday  22th July 2020, at 7.30pm.


We have set up two meetings as before in case we run over.  Here are the two invitations.


This is a Zoom meeting although you don't need to have Zoom installed, just clicking the link gets you on to the meeting. Log in and type in meeting id and passcode when prompted.


Please log in and join us. If you have any queries just email us for advice.


Topic: Kirkmahoe CC 1

Time: Jul 22, 2020 07:30 PM London


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 727 0034 0495

Passcode: 4ZWzKy



Topic: Kirkmahoe CC 2

Time: Jul 22, 2020 08:20 PM London


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 792 9820 8063

Passcode: 4RWNQG



1.    People present

2.    Minutes of last meeting 

3.    Matters arising from minutes

4.    Police Report

5.    Finances

6.    Councillors’ reports

7.    Planning Matters

8.    Qua path maintenance

9.    Co-opting Ewan Cannon

10.Appointment of auditor

11.Consultation on the Review of the Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils in Dumfries and Galloway

12.Any other competent business / Correspondence

13. Date and place of next meeting

Irene Paterson



Monday, 13 July 2020

KCC Meeting On hold till further notice

Sorry everyone - following advice from the Council we cannot go ahead with our meeting on Wednesday 15th July. We will be in touch once we arrange an online meeting.
Any agenda items will be carried over to the next meeting.


Saturday, 4 July 2020

KCC Treasurers Report & Minutes May 2020 & Agenda June 2020

We hope to be able to run an outside KCC meeting on 15th July at 7.30pm at Dalswinton hall. Weather and guidance allowing. Distancing rules will be followed.
Will put up gazebos if required.

Please find attached minutes of the online May meeting with attached treasurers report.

Agenda will be sent out on monday - if you have any items you wish raised please email me asap - will be covered under Matters Arising if not able to get on agenda.

Please come along and join us.


Friday, 3 July 2020

E Grapevine 7

Hello Again, 

Here is your wildflower of the week and also a surprise creature!

And a couple of short video clips of a fledgling swallow which I watched while it sheltered under the car for hours one day last week.  Its parents fed it every few minutes and eventually it flew, but only after a very long time! Baby Swallow     Baby Swallow 2

KCC is regularly getting messages from D&G Council about funding available to help people who are finding it tough to manage.  As yet, we have not applied for any of this because we have had no requests.  Please do get in touch if you think you would be eligible.

And it seems that after a good spell with no new Covid cases, D&G now has a small number of new infections so we must still be careful and follow the advice and guidance from the Scottish Government.  

And, as always, if you have something to contribute to eGrapevine, please send it to us.

Best wishes, 
The Grapevine Team