Tuesday, 10 March 2020

KCC Minutes Feb 2020 Agenda March 2020

KCC Minutes Feb 2020

Agenda March 2020

It has been pointed out that in the email on 10th March I gave the wrong date for the hall AGM. Please note this is on Friday 20th March 2020 at 7.30 in Kirkton Hall.

Sorry for the mistake.


Please find attached agenda and minutes for next meeting. Please come along and have an input into Kirkmahoe life.

Requests have been circulated for additional help for various Kirkmahoe community groups.

Grapevine needs new blood. This will involve a couple of meetings each year and some admin work to get the twice yearly magazine collated and sent to printers. Training and guidance will be provided. Please come and help if you want the magazine to continue.

Kirkton Village hall has its AGM XXXXX friday XXXXXX at 7.30pm. A request has been sent out for people to join the committee. Please volunteer to help keep the hall available for the many groups which use it.


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