Sunday, 20 December 2020

KCC Dec Minutes

 KCC Dec 2020 Minutes

There will be minor delays on 21st December at Kirkton for overhead line works by SPEN.

Also find attached minutes of the meeting on 9th December.

Wishing everyone a happy and peaceful yuletide. Take care and be safe. Hope to see some of you on our online meetings in 2021 and looking forward to a big party to celebrate the end of Covid.

Keep in touch - let us know what's happening in Kirkmahoe. Check out our Facebook Page

Irene and the rest of Kirkmahoe Community Council.

PS Still waiting for more bells to put in the phone box for the Jingle on Christmas Eve. 

Thursday, 3 December 2020


 Winter flower tips.

With Thanks to Colin Crosbie

Wednesday, 11 November 2020


Kirkmahoe Community Council will hold an ordinary meeting on 18th November 2020, at 7.30pm.

 We have set up two zoom meetings as before . You may need to log in to both if we run over first 40 minutes.

 Join Zoom Meeting

Topic: KCC Ordinary meeting 1

Time: Nov 18, 2020 07:30 PM London

 Join Zoom Meeting

 Topic: KCC Ordinary meeting 2

Time: Nov 18, 2020 08:20 PM London

 Join Zoom Meeting

 This is a Zoom meeting although you don't need to have Zoom installed, just clicking the link gets you on to the meeting. You don’t need the ID or Passcode to join.

 Please log in and join us. If you have any queries just email us for advice.

 Minutes of October meeting, are available on FB page, on the noticeboard on Kirkton Green and Duncow School and by email. Contact us on or on FB


           1.     People present

2.     Minutes of last meeting 

3.     Matters arising from minutes

4.     Police Report

5.     Treasurer’s report

6.     Councillors’ reports

7.     Planning Matters

8.     Flood query

9.     Resilience

10.  Correspondence

11.  AOCB

12.   Date and place of next meeting

Irene Paterson



Saturday, 7 November 2020

From KCC re Shirley's Marie Curie Fund raising Trip

 I am attaching a flyer from Shirley Kelting.  She is hoping to complete the Canadian Rockies Trek in aid of Marie Curie next year.

You can find more information here:

Shirley is, obviously, keen to raise as much money for this cause as possible.  Her just giving link is

If you'd like more information, just ask and we will forward your messages to her.

Shirley, I hope you'll send back photos every day so we can see where you've been walking.

Best wishes to all, 

Wednesday, 21 October 2020



A group of parents is proposing a simple Covid Halloween event. To enable us to do this and ensure no child is left out we ask that if you have children of ‘guising’ age and would like them to participate please let us know numbers by Saturday 24th October.

We are proposing each child in the parish can collect a pumpkin from the ‘spooky’ phone box at Kirkton village green to carve at home and on the evening of Halloween there will be sweets and treats for the kids. More details to follow please keep an eye out on the Community Council Facebook Page.
Finally are you skilled in tablet making? If so would you be interested in making a batch for this event? All ingredients will be provided for you.
Please contact us by phoning Vicky McMillan on 07787198823. We're looking forward  to making this a fun time for the kids.forward to making this a fun time for the kids.

Friday, 9 October 2020

AGM Sept 2020, Minutes AGM 2019, KCC Minutes September, Harvest Service.

 AGM 2020 Minutes         AGM 2019 Minutes

KCC September Minutes

Please find attached Minutes of last year's AGM and the Agenda for this year's. This will be held before the next ordinary meeting on 21st October at 7.30pm. 
This will be a Zoom meeting (no guidance yet from Council re starting face to face meetings). Details of the link to the meeting and the agenda for the ordinary meeting will be sent next week.

Hope to see some of you online.


__________________________________________________________________________________Dear All,

 The link to the October 4th Harvest Service is on our website in the ‘services’ section at the bottom of the home page. Click on the October 4th service link to get it to play.

Topic: 'Vineyard Tenants'

The reading is Matthew 21:33-46


Services recommencing in the Church

Monday, 7 September 2020

More Corona Diaries & Gardening

 Covid Diaries 3   Corona 14    Corona 15    Corona 16    Corona 17   Corona 18   Corona 19  Gardening

Hello All, 

After yesterday's beautiful afternoon and evening, I had hoped that the weather forecast for rain today would be wrong, but of course, it was completely accurate!

The rain might encourage you to stay inside today and read Colin Crosbie's tips on gardening for the next few months.  Then when the rain stops, we can all get out and start following his advice, so we have lovely displays in the Spring.

And, thanks Colin for reminding me to go and buy some garlic to plant.

As always, look after yourselves and our neighbours, 


Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Covid Diaries, Quarry & Dalswinton Walk & Support Group

 Covid Diaries 1   Corona 1       Corona 2    Corona 3   Corona 4    Corona 5     Corona 6     

Hello All,

I am very grateful to Chris Isles for sharing his Covid Diaries with us.  He has documented the first 100 days and found a wealth of cartoons too.  I will be sending this out in three 'chapters'.  Today's cover the period to the middle of April.

These are a personal account - any young historians amongst us should be interested as they are primary sources and valuable as research materials for the future!

And as they say...
In other news, KCC are considering their response to the proposal to extend gravel extraction at Kilblane to the fields alongside Quarry Road.  We have had very little comment form members of our community, so if you have anything you would like to ask or observations to make, please get in touch.

And Peter Landale has asked us to let you know that the walk between Dalswinton Village and the Journey Garden will be closed from Monday 7th September until Friday 2nd October for forestry operations.  Please do not try to use the path during this time.

And as always, please remember that if you need help, the Kirkmahoe Support Group is here to help.

Best wishes, 
The Grapevine Team

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Kilblane Quarry Public Consultation Invite

 If anyone wants to join in the consultation follow the instructions below..Irene

Good afternoon Irene,

 Thank you for getting in touch regarding your interest in the Kilblane Quarry Public Consultation Event.

Yes, more than one representative can be on the call at the one time. During the event we will give a short presentation on the quarry, where we will ask other members of the call to be muted. We will then unmute everyone and you are welcome to ask any questions or make any comments you may have.

 Below are your sign in details for the event that will be taking place as a Zoom Meeting between 16:00 – 19:00 on Monday 31st of August.

 We will be holding presentations at 16:00, 16:45, 17:30, and 18:15, if you are able to let us know which presentation you are planning to attend by emailing it would be greatly appreciated.

Please contact me on the mobile number below if you have any difficulties in signing in on the day.

 Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 979 4894 4080

Passcode: 333715

 Kind Regards,

 Michael Galt

Environmental Planner

Johnson Poole & Bloomer Ltd


Tel: 0141 331 1456

Mob: 07970 350 686

E mail:

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Hoddam Quarry Extension

 Hoddam Quarry is carrying out pre-planning consultation regarding an extension to the current quarry. Information regarding the plans can be found on the following link. 

KCC will be putting together a list of questions and concerns to take to the consultation on Monday 31st August. If you have any comments please email the KCC email address or contact Tom lewis directly with individual concerns/questions. I have copied the timescale as per website - see below.

An online consultation event will be held  on Monday 31st August between 4pm and 7pm

To access the consultation event please contact Tom Lewis of Johnson Poole & Bloomer:

Comments to the applicant can be made now.


Comments can be made:

  • using the message box, please include your full name and location in the message section; 

  •  by email to; or

  • in writing to Tom Lewis at Johnson Poole & Bloomer, 50 Speirs Wharf, Glasgow, G4 9TH


Following the online consultation event any further questions can be answered by contacting Tom Lewis on 0141 3311456.


All comments must be received no later than Tuesday 22nd September 2020.

All comments received will be considered in the preparation of the final proposals and a formal planning application will be submitted in due course


Please note, comments made to the prospective applicant do not constitute representations to the Planning Authority.  The opportunity to make representations to Dumfries and Galloway Council will be available following formal submission of the planning application. 

Saturday, 22 August 2020


 Harestanes 1         Harestanes 2

Hello All, 
We seem to be getting used to the Covid regulations.  Personally, in some ways I have enjoyed the quieter lifestyle, although I know it's not been easy or comfortable for many people.  Please remember that the Support Group is still in operation if we are needed.  

I wonder if anyone has kept a Covid diary,  or painted in response to the situation.  If so, we'd love to see what you have been inspired to create.

It's been a while since the last bulletin, but today we have a few issues to share with you.

Firstly,our broadband survey showed that 60% of respondents have less than 10Mb/s download speed.  Promises of upgrading are taking some time to fulfil, but in the meantime, look at and see if you might be eligible for a £400 voucher to improve things for you.

Secondly, Hoddam is proposing a westward extension to their gravel workings at Kilblane which will take them up to Quarry Road.  The Community Council is working on a response which will include mitigation measures.  We want to work cooperatively with Hoddam on this.  If you want further information, there is a website, which outlines the proposal in some detail.

And finally, you may have received the attached document from Harestanes windfarm in the post.  As it only arrived this morning, the Community Council has not looked at the issues, but will do so in the near future.

Best wishes, 
The Grapevine Team

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

KCC meeting 22 .07 on Zoom with link Wildflower. and Quiz

Hello All, 
Firstly, a reminder that there will be a Zoom Community Council meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm.  If you would like to join in, please let us know and we'll send the meeting details to you.  You do not have to have Zoom installed on your computer, all you will have to do is click on the link you are sent.

And thanks to Trevor Hayward for sourcing us another quiz.  Four rounds today, and more later.  Hope you enjoy it.  

It's good to see that there are still lots of us out walking and cycling.  Do you think we will keep that up or will we want to go back to using gyms?  And thinking of that, a local community group is very tentatively looking at the idea of installing some outdoor adult fitness equipment in the play park at Kirkton.  Would you use it if it was there?  What sort of things would you like to see?

And as always, if you have something you'd like to share in eGrapevine, please send articles to this email address.  

Looking forward to hearing your news, 

The Grapevine Team

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Online Zoom, ordinary meeting of Kirkmahoe Community Council



 There will be anon Wednesday  22th July 2020, at 7.30pm.


We have set up two meetings as before in case we run over.  Here are the two invitations.


This is a Zoom meeting although you don't need to have Zoom installed, just clicking the link gets you on to the meeting. Log in and type in meeting id and passcode when prompted.


Please log in and join us. If you have any queries just email us for advice.


Topic: Kirkmahoe CC 1

Time: Jul 22, 2020 07:30 PM London


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 727 0034 0495

Passcode: 4ZWzKy



Topic: Kirkmahoe CC 2

Time: Jul 22, 2020 08:20 PM London


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 792 9820 8063

Passcode: 4RWNQG



1.    People present

2.    Minutes of last meeting 

3.    Matters arising from minutes

4.    Police Report

5.    Finances

6.    Councillors’ reports

7.    Planning Matters

8.    Qua path maintenance

9.    Co-opting Ewan Cannon

10.Appointment of auditor

11.Consultation on the Review of the Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils in Dumfries and Galloway

12.Any other competent business / Correspondence

13. Date and place of next meeting

Irene Paterson

