Wednesday, 5 December 2018


Great Night Out - PUB QUIZ. This Friday 7th December, 7.30pm, Kirkton Hall. Entrance £2 per person, teams up to 4 people - if you don't have a full team don't worry, we'll fix you up. Licenced Bar
Carol Singing. Sunday 16th December meet at 6.30pm at Kirkton Pump. Tour of village takes about 2 hours then refreshments in Kirkton Hall Collection in aid of local charity.
Tuesday Club is meeting Thursday. 13th December 10.30am in Kirkton Hall for a chat and cup of coffee. Entertainment by local Ukelele Group. Entrance £1.
All welcome -and bring your friends.
Tuesday Club is meeting Thursday. 13th December 10.30am in Kirkton Hall for a chat and cup of coffee. Entertainment by local Ukelele Group. Entrance £1.
All welcome -and bring your friends!
Jean Muir
Secretary to Kirkmahoe Community Council

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Dumfries and Galloway Council Budget

Hello Everyone
It is our duty as a Community Council to answer consultations from Dumfries and Galloway Council and they have asked us to let people know about an on line calculator to help collect views on balancing the next budget

Because of 'austerity' they are going to have to cut an estimated £30million from their budget in the next two years and they want everyone to help to make the decisions.

The link to the online simulator is
There will also be  a drop in session on Thursday 29 November from 2pm to 4.30pm at Lochthorn Customer Service Centre, Edinburgh Road, Heathhall for anyone to attend.

If, like me, you try and fail to make the necessary savings, there is no place to make any comment unless you contact your councillors, MSPs and/or MP

Jean Muir

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Saturday, 20 October 2018

Dates for your diary

Two exciting events for your diary

Friday 26th October Kirkton Hall - Family Prize Bingo. Doors open 7.00pm  Eyes down 7.30pm. Light refreshments and snacks.Proceeds in aid of Kirkton Hall.
Image result for bingo

Friday 2nd November - Kirkton Hall - Children's Hallowe'en Party  5-6.30pm and Adults' Cocktail Party 7-11pm. Best Costume prizes, dookin' for apples, sticky doughnuts, nibbles, spooky cocktails, scary tunes. All welcome. Free entry

Jean Muir
Secretary Kirkmahoe Community Council

Monday, 8 October 2018

Road closure Kirkton to Dalswinton

No automatic alt text available.Hello Everyone
There will be a meeting of Kirkmahoe Community Council focusing on resilience at 7.30pm on Wednesday 17th October in Kirkton Hall. Diane Irving Davidson who is the new lead officer on resilience will be at the meeting to discuss our plans. Everyone is welcome, but particularly if you have an interest in resilience (emergency planning)

We have received notice that the road between Kirkton and Dalswinton at Maryfield/Douganstyle will be closed from 9am until 5pm from 15th October for up to 5days so BT can put in a broadband box.
The bus will be allowed through and there will be traffic lights after 5pm when the men are not working. We made a strenuous objection and they agreed to the traffic lights at night - they had intended to close the road for the whole duration.
They should be putting up signs this week to warn of the works.

There is a consultation for everyone to put their views using an online survey

Future of Transport in SW Scotland - all types of transport


Jean Muir

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Forthcoming events, and KCC Minutes Aug 2018 Agenda Sept 2018

KCC Minutes Aug 2018
KCC Agenda Sept 2018

Hello Everyone
The next meeting of Kirkmahoe Community Council will be on next Wednesday 19th September at 7.30pm in Dalswinton Village Hall. Please see attached agenda and minutes. All Welcome.

Also - a reminder that the Dalswinton will be hosting their 'Mellow Fruitfulness Festival' over the weekend of 21st-23rd September with a varied and interesting programme of music and art to celebrate our lovely environment and the changing seasons
Also - many activities are restarting this month, including Kirkmahoe Rural SWI, tomorrow, Wednesday 12th September at 7.30pm in Kirkton Hall. All women and girls welcome (charge of £3 to non-members). Kay Smith who is a locally renowned knitter will explain some of the finer points of her  craft.


Jean Muir

Saturday, 21 July 2018

Osprey Cam at Caerlaverock

Ospreys, Hawks, Birds, Flying, Flapping

Here is the link to view the Osprey Cam. at Caerlaverock. At the moment there are 3 birds on the nest. One adult with darker plumage, 2 babies with dappled plumage.Above is a picture of birds on a platform nest.
Osprey Cam
Note they have been ringed.

Save water advice

Image result for hosepipe ban 2018

Good afternoon,

Following on from my previous email, I wanted to provide you with an update on our activities to ensure we keep the water flowing throughout this prolonged dry period.

As you will hopefully be aware, we launched a campaign urging customers across Scotland to use water wisely. A few weeks ago, some of our plants were producing 30% more water and across Scotland we were producing an additional 140 million litres per day due to increased usage. Whilst these record levels have recently reduced, we are still experiencing high demand in some parts.

We are closely monitoring a number of areas across the country and we have taken the opportunity to send postcards to customers in these priority areas to urge people to use water wisely.

Some of the areas we have targeted are in certain parts of the Western Isles, North East, the Highlands and some areas of Dumfries and Galloway.

While some areas of the country have experienced a small amount of rain recently, our treatment works and reservoirs are still dealing with a sustained dry period as well as increased demand from customers. Your continued assistance in helping to urge customers to reduce their water usage over the coming weeks is appreciated.

By taking small and simple measures, customers can help to ensure we can continue to supply water to homes and businesses.

Simple steps customers can take to use water efficiently include:

  • Using a bucket of water instead of a hose to wash your car or only washing windscreens and headlights and brake lights
  • Using a watering can instead of a hose to water gardens and plants
  • Taking a shower instead of a bath and making it a short shower
  • Only using washing machines or dishwashers fully loaded
  • Turning off the tap when brushing teeth and shaving

Please could help us by sharing these messages on your social media channels and in the local community.

By working together we can keep the water cycle flowing during this warm weather.

Kind regards

Adam Warner
Corporate Affairs Officer

Scottish Water –
Trusted to serve Scotland

Scottish Water –
Trusted to serve Scotland

Shaping the Future of Your Water and Waste Water Services

Take part in our consultation: visit

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Please note the following road closures

Image result for road closure images

Various road closures due in the area in the next week for road repairs.

C2n Between Kirkton and The Nick (C4n)
The following works are proposed on or near the road. To facilitate carriageway surface dressing.
Alternative Routes
As signposted on site.
Emergency access will be available if required.
Pedestrian Access
Pedestrian access will be maintained
Timing of Closure
19/07/2018 to 24/07/2018
1 day between 19th July and 24th July 2018
Newlands Loop
U22n between C11n and U23n.
The following works are proposed on or near the road. To facilitate carriageway surface dressing.
Alternative Routes
As signposted on site.
Emergency access will be available if required.
Pedestrian Access
Pedestrian access will be maintained
Timing of Closure
20/07/2018 to 25/07/2018
1 day between 20th July and 25th July 2018

U24n between C3n and C4n.
The following works are proposed on or near the road. To facilitate carriageway surface dressing.
Alternative Routes
As signposted on site.
Emergency access will be available if required.
Pedestrian Access
Pedestrian access will be maintained
Timing of Closure
20/07/2018 to 25/07/2018
1 day between 20th July and 25th July 2018
U17n Full length
The following works are proposed on or near the road. To facilitate carriageway surface dressing.
Alternative Routes
As signposted on site.
Emergency access will be available if required.
Pedestrian Access
Pedestrian access will be maintained
Timing of Closure
20/07/2018 to 25/07/2018
1 day between 20th July and 25th July 2018

Location Kirkton Store / Lochbank
U19n between C4n and C11n.
The following works are proposed on or near the road. To facilitate carriageway surface dressing.
Alternative Routes
As signposted on site.
Emergency access will be available if required.
Pedestrian Access
Pedestrian access will be maintained
Timing of Closure
20/07/2018 to 25/07/2018
1 day between 20th July and 25th July 2018

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Invitation from the people of Dalswinton

Summer Solstice Celebration
Join us for an informal 30 minute service to celebrate the summer solstice in the Dalswinton Barony church at 4.00pm on Saturday 23rd June.
Then take the woodland path to Dalswinton village hall for a magnificent hog roast.
Image result for hog roast pictures
Licensed bar, tea, coffee and soft drinks.
If the weather is kind we will be outside on the lawn in front of the hall so please park in the field beside the hall.

Everyone welcome to one or both events.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Kirkmahoe Church Recording Book Handover Sunday 3rd June 2018

In Kirkmahoe Church from 11.30am on Sunday 3rd June there will be a
handover of a unique bound version of Kirkmahoe Church Recording. Morag, John Williams and Victor Smith from our community have been part of a group of six people for 3 years recording every aspect of the interior  of the church in detail. There will be an opportunity to see what has been achieved. Copyright is held by NADFAS, the National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts, recently changed to The Arts Society.
Refreshments are served after the service.

Morag Williams, Group Leader.

Saturday, 31 March 2018

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

KCC Agenda March & Minutes Feb 2018 and various

Agenda March

Minutes February

Hello Again
Friday 23rd March  - Kirkton Parish Hall Annual General Meeting which was postponed because of the snow, will now take place at 7.30pm on Friday 23rd March in Kirkton Hall. All welcome.
Saturday 24th/Sunday 25th March - Archaeology at Carzield Roman Fort. Dr Richard Jones of Glasgow University will be continuing a geophysical survey of the fields around Carzield to see if there was a settlement/bath house next to the Roman Fort. This is not a dig, but volunteers are needed to hold surveying poles etc and help set out a grid. If you are interested meet at 9am. For more information please contact John Williams by email -
Tuesday 27th March The Daytime Social Club meeting for March will be on 27th March at 10.30am in Kirkton Hall. The speaker will be Caroline Buck on the subject of the Peter Pan Moat Brae Trust. She is the Friends Co-0rdinator of the Trust. All welcome

Friday 30th March -Meeting of Kirkmahoe Heritage Group. 7.30pm in Kirkton Hall. Dr Richard Jones will be talking about some of what has been discovered at Carzield Roman Fort. All welcome
Jean Muir

Friday, 2 March 2018

Kirkmahoe Parish Hall AGM Postponed

Due to the adverse weather conditions, Kirkmahoe Parish Hall Committee has postponed tonight’s AGM at Kirkton Hall.  There will be a further notice once the weather improves and we decide on a date for rescheduling.

Monday, 12 February 2018


Hello Everyone
Due to a shortage of members, please note the meeting of Kirkmahoe Community Council tomorrow (Wednesday  21st February) which is scheduled for 7.30pm will now begin at 8pm in Dalswinton Hall
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Jean Muir

Hello Again
The next Kirkmahoe Community Council meeting is on WEDNESDAY 21st February in Dalswinton Hall, not Friday.
Sorry for the error
Jean Muir

KCC Minutes Agenda resilience and Party

Hello Everyone
The next Kirkmahoe Community Council Meeting will be on Friday 21st February at 7.30pm in Dalswinton Hall. I have attached the agenda and draft minutes. This is an open meeting and everyone is welcome to attend
Kirkton Village Hall AGM . 7.30pm on Friday 2nd March in Kirkton Hall. All Welcome
And don't forget .........This Friday night is Party night! Come and blow away the February cobwebs at our Community Party at 7.30pm in Kirkton Hall
Jean Muir

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Party and NHS Board

Hello Everyone
Please find attached a poster inviting you to a Kirkmahoe Community Party in Kirkton Hall at 7:30pm
on Friday, 16th February 2018
with entertainment by Duncow School Choir and The Old Geezers, Quiz, Raffle etc
Light refreshments but you can bring your own bottle (complementary drink for Kirkmahoe residents)
If you need help with transport, please contact
Jean (710216) or Alice (710523)
Warning - There is a black VW van, registration OU 15 YCN, in the area asking to buy old commercial vehicles. If you see it, please report it to the police on 101.
NHS Dumfries and Galloway have two vacancies for Non Executive Board Members positions which are being advertised at the moment with a closing date 9th February, see attachment for details. These positions are apparently open to anyone who is interested.See attached poster
Cheers for now
Jean Muir
Secretary Kirkmahoe Community Council

Monday, 5 February 2018

Gin Tasting evening 9th March Kirkton Hall

You will learn about how gin is made and see the various botanicals which are used for each different flavour. 
You will taste 7 gins and can get cocktail recipes and try out some cocktails. There will be games, raffles with the chance to win a bottle of gin, and lots more. There will be some snacks but you are advised to eat before arriving. You will be able to purchase bottles of gin on the night if you wish.
The distiller requires to know numbers to cater for - this is why we have to get the tickets sold beforehand.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Water Water Everywhere our special River

With so much water around at the moment it might be of interest to reflect on matters tidal. It is always advisable to check the time of high tide as this is when the water from the sea is at its height and the river water cannot start to drain out until the tide starts to ebb. You should get used to checking tide times on our home page 
Another interesting fact about the tides is that when the tide starts to flow in to a river there is a surge of water called a tidal bore. The most famous tidal bore is the Severn Bore, but if you want to see this phenomenon, there is one much closer to us here on the River Nith. I wonder how many of us knew this.....?This makes the River Nith very special as it is one of only 60 rivers in the world which has a tidal bore.
Here is a website which explains the tidal bore phenomenon and if you scroll down to the seventh River you will see it is the Nith.
Here, also is a Youtube link to the Nith Tidal Bore

Monday, 22 January 2018

Date for your diary & A Request

Hello Everyone
A date for your diary - This is to give advanced notice that Kirkmahoe Community Council are planning a Social Evening to cheer people in the dark days of mid February. It is open to ALL and there will be light refreshments, entertainment by the The Auld Geezers, raffle etc. Admission is free. Bring Your Own Bottle. Friday 16th February 7.30pm in Kirkton Hall
Kirkton Telephone box now belongs to the community and it is in need of some care and attention. We would be pleased to hear from anyone who would like to volunteer to clean it up and paint it etc OR if not to volunteer, for any tradesman to tender for the work.
Cheers for now
Jean Muir
Secretary Kirkmahoe Community Council

Monday, 8 January 2018