This Week
Tuesday 28th February - Kirkmahoe Daytime Social Club meet at 10.30am in Kirkton Hall for coffee/tea and a chat, with talk by Gwen Kirkwood on her Life and Published Novels. Entrance £1.
Tuesday 28th February - Kirkmahoe Daytime Social Club meet at 10.30am in Kirkton Hall for coffee/tea and a chat, with talk by Gwen Kirkwood on her Life and Published Novels. Entrance £1.
Friday 3rd March - Bingo Night - Kirkton Hall. Are you
having a quiet TV night in? Then don't miss out on the Social Family Fun.
Prizes, snacks and refreshments. Doors open 7.00pm. Eyes down 7.30pm.We look
forward to seeing you!
Saturday 4th March - Spring Coffee Morning, Dalswinton Hall.10.30 - 12.30. All welcome
Saturday 18th March - Discover Kirkmahoe is leading a Community Walk.We are meeting for tea/coffee in the Heathhall Garden Centre, followed by a walk back to Kirkton on the path across the fields. Either join us on the 09:58 bus from the Kirkton village (09:50 at Dalswinton) or make your own way to the Garden Centre.
Dogs are welcome in the outdoor covered area of the Coffee Shop and on the walk. Friends and family are welcome.
If you would like a lift to Heathhall, please ring Alice (07762845194). If you don't want to walk, do join us for the tea/coffee and we'll arrange transport home if required.
Dates for your diary
Saturday 22nd April - Discover
Kirkmahoe will
be holding a Coffee
Morning/Daffodil Tea, with Sales tables and Raffle in
Kirkton Hall. We hope
that the sales will be of collectibles, toys, crafts etc. If you would like to
have a table (£10 for a large, £8 for a small one), please contact Irene 01387
710060 or Alice 01387 710523.
Saturday 29th April - Kirkmahoe Concerts Open Mic and Special Guests. Dalswinton Hall. 7.00 - 10.00pm
Saturday 6th May - Craft Fair Coffee Morning Dalswinton Hall, 10.30am - 12.30pm
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