Monday, 10 October 2016

Dates for your diary

Here are some dates for your diary
Saturday 15th October -WALK and COFFEE MORNING etc.Dalswinton Hall 10.30am

Monday 17th October -TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE - U19n Kirktonfield, full length of road between C11n and C4n
Daytime closure from 09:30 - 15:30 Monday 17th October 2016
To facilitate Openreach works.
Emergency vehicular access will be maintained if required.
Pedestrian Access will be maintained
Timing of Closure

Wednesday 19th October- COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING at 7.30pmin Kirkton Hall - all welcome. Please see attached documents for agenda minutes etc
Other news
Grapevine Deliveries - we need a few more people to deliver Grapevines, especially if some of the usual post people are away. If you can help by delivering a few in your neighbourhood we would be very grateful,please contact Alice Howdle -

Winter Warmth for Older People Project  are looking for excess felled wood that they can collect as a donation to the project. Their free logs and kindling service prepares  wood for use by elderly and disabled people with open fires.
They would also like to hear from people on pension credit, attendance allowance, carers' allowance, disability living allowance or personal independence payment who may be eligible to use the service. Contact the Hub - 01387 269161
Jean Muir

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