Saturday, 31 December 2011

Have a Great Hogmanay and a Happy New Year

Kirkmahoe News wishes all our readers at home and  overseas a very Happy New Year, with the words of our National poet Robert Burns.

Auld Lang Syne was written by Burns during his time farming at Ellisland (1788 to 1791)  just across the River Nith from Kirkmahoe. See,_Dumfries

Friday, 23 December 2011

Merry Christmas

Kirkmahoe News Wishes you All a Very Happy Christmas

Track Santa here 

(Christmas Eve only)

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Merry Christmas from Matthew McAllister

Dear Friends & Colleagues,

2011 is coming to an end, it has been a very busy year full of concerts, travels, festivals, recordings, masterclasses and great music making!
May I take this opportunity to wish you have a great time over the festive period and all the best in 2012.
I have taken time over the last few days to take stock of all the photos and videos from the last year and a few new videos really stand out.
The wonderful Lament by Neil Gow in a stylish new video from the Gitaarsalon.
A new soulful ballad by Scottish Composer Peter Stewart. There are many interesting blogs packed with photography covering all sorts of topics at my new website!
The topics include my visit to the Guitar Gems Festival, performing in the Kwakkel Jubilee Concert, performing the Concierto de Aranjuez and opening the season for the West Sussex Guitar Club.
Please visit my new website to have a read through the blogs and view the photographs.
You can follow me on Facebook and Twitter on the links below.!/McAllisterpluck
I hope you enjoy the videos, photography and blogs and I wish you all the best for 2012!
Matthew McAllister
P.S. Hope to see you at a concert!

Kirkmahoe Concerts The Halton Quartet 15th Jan 2012

Kirkmahoe Concerts .... a non-profit community endeavour. Featuring high quality live performance from across the spectrum of classical, jazz, folk, fusion and spoken word. In local venues and with an emphasis on modest tickets prices.
The Halton Quartet
Sunday 15th January 2012, 2.30pm, Kirkmahoe Parish Church, Kirkton
This astonishing Scottish quartet are hard to pigeon hole. Rooted in the folk tradition, they draw on many influences from around the globe and weave a rich and evocative world of sound from strings, bow and bellows. Influenced by Argentinean tango, the European classical school, New York jazz and Scottish traditional, expect stunning musicianship, high energy and an afternoon to blow away the January blues!
From Kirkmahoe they head off to feature at Celtic Connections in Glasgow.
Tickets: £8 from: The Midsteeple, Dumfries; Thomas Tosh, Thornhill ; the venue on the day; or call 01387 740045. CHILDREN FREE
Also - follow Kirkmahoe Concerts on Facebook!!!

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Carol Singing 18 12 11

There was a good turn out of Carol Singers this year, and in comparison to last year we had no snow. Instead it was a cold and frosty evening.The singers went around the area singing carols for the residents, and to warm themselves up afterwards all proceeded to the Hall where there was the usual hot mince pies and other seasonal goodies. The Old Geezers provided some indoor entertainment and the long months of practising since their inception is showing to advantage.
All in all £103 was raised, and the singers made this sum up to £130 which will be sent to the local branch of the Salvation Army.

Thanks to all involved and to all who donated so generously.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

More Flooding - Ice Forecast

More flooding in the area, and with the high winds everyone is being advised to stay at home unless journeys are ABSOLUTELY necessary.
The road into Dumfries is once more closed, with traffic being diverted via Locharbriggs.
The school was closed due to the storm.
Winds are expected to subside later tonight but tomorrow brings the threat of frost making the already wet roads treacherous.
Take care everyone!
If you have any pictures of the flooding send them in to:-

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Making better use of Kirkton Village Hall

Since the summer we have been asking people what event or activity they would come to the Hall for. The 10 most popular suggestions from this mini survey, in order of popularity, were:-

1 Produce Co-Op (Bring/Swap/Buy local produce)
2 Tai Chi
3 Social Club
4 Quiz Night
5 Pilates
6 Badminton
7 Old Time Dancing
8 First Aid
9 Whist Drive
10 Coffee Shop

Some of these events are now already taking place, or are being arranged for the near future:
Social Club/Coffee morning – Being arranged for Thursday mornings in the New Year
Quiz Nights – Held throughout the year, but more could be arranged
Pilates – held on Mondays at noon Contact Annie on 01387 730421 or 07815 655190 for details
Badminton – held on Monday evening at 7.30pm. Contact Trevor on 01387 711344 for details
Old Time Dancing – held on Thursday evening at 7.30pm. Contact John Caskie on 01387 710975/07711573071.

To get the other events up and running we need enthusiastic volunteers to work together with the Hall Committee to plan and organise them.

If you are interested in getting involved to organise any of these events, please contact Trevor Hayward on 01387 711344.

Carol Singing Kirkton 17th Dec 2011

Carol Singing
Sunday 18th December
6.30pm meeting at the pump
All welcome.

For further information
Contact Jean Muir 710216
(there will be a collection for a charity
to be chosen on the night)

Friday, 2 December 2011

Flooding Pictures

I do not think anyone will be playing in the park just now!

If you have any photos of the floods send them in to