Saturday, 21 January 2017


Please be reminded that the 2017 SSCBA Annual Robert Burns Commemorative Service will take place on Wednesday 25th January 2017 commencing at 1.30pm.

Full details are listed below.

We'd be delighted to see as many as possible at the Church for, what is always a fitting tribute to Robert Burns and includes readings and performances from local school children.

Please feel free to share the contents of this e-mail with persons on your e mail contact list.


John M Caskie
Secretary SSCBA

Annual Robert Burns Commemorative Service 2017

President Mr Mike Duguid and Members of the Southern Scottish Counties Burns Association (SSCBA) cordially invite you to the above Service which will be held in St Michael’s Church Dumfries on Wednesday 25th January 2017 at 1.30pm.
The service will be conducted by the Rev Dr M Bond minister of St Michael’s and will include contributions from local school children. 
Immediately after the service, President of Dumfries Burns Club, Peter Kormylo, will preside at the wreath laying ceremony at Burns Mausoleum where leading figures from member clubs of the SSCBA along with local dignitaries will lay floral tributes at the Bards tomb.
Following this short ceremony, teas and refreshments will be served in St Michael’s Church hall.

An open invitation is extended to all.



Friday, 13 January 2017

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Information about courses and next Community Council meeting

KCC Agenda 18th Jan 2017

KCC Minutes Nov 2016

Happy New Year Everyone

First Aid Course - we have organised a 4 hour basic First Aid Course which will be one session on Saturday 14th January at 10am in Kirkton Hall. It is mainly so that we have first aid cover at community events so will be taught by someone from St Andrew's Ambulance and lead to a certificate which lasts for 3 years, but would be useful to anyone in the community and there will not be an obligation to attend events.
There are 5 spare places. If you would like to join the course, which is free of charge please let me know by Friday. If more than 5 people express an interest I will draw a ballot. Please reply to me at

Art Class - Kirkmahoe Rural SWI have been running an art class in Dalswinton Hall on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm. The tutor is Pamela Grace from Kirkpatrick Durham who is excellent. There will be 10 x 2hr sessions beginning 17th January on most Tuesdays. Cost £50 (to be paid on first night).  There is one spare place, open to anyone - first come, first served. Please reply to me at
The next Community Council Meeting will be on Wednesday 18th January. 7.30pm Kirkton Hall preceded by Resilience Sub Committee meeting 6.30pm- minutes and agenda attached
Jean Muir
Secretary Kirkmahoe Community Council