Friday, 31 August 2012

Dates for your Diary Sept & Oct 2012

September (unless otherwise stated all begin at 7.30 pm)
Mondays - Pilates, Kirkton Hall 12 noon (weekly)
Wednesdays - Tai Chi, Kirkton Hall 1.30 (weekly)
Saturday 8th - Robin Williamson Concert, Dalswinton Hall
Wednesday 12th - SWRI Meeting, Kirkton Hall (monthly)
Thursday 13th - Old Tyme Dance Group, Kirkton Hall (weekly)
Wednesday 19th - Community Council Meeting, Dalswinton Hall. Topic for Discussion:Proposed low sandstone kerb (1-2cm) to define back edge of "Pump Village Green" Kirkton
Tuesday 25th - Daytime Social Club, Kirkton Hall, 10.30 am (monthly)
Monday 1st - Badminton, Kirkton Hall (weekly)
Thursday 4th - Community Council Election (see noticeboards and local newspapers for updates)
Friday 12th  - Race Night
Wednesday 17th - Community Council AGM Kirkton Hall
Tuesdays - Bowling, Kirkton Hall (weekly)
Thursdays - Bowling, Kirkton Hall (weekly)
Kirkcophony - contact J Muir for details (710216)
Friday 3rd November Kirkmahoe Heritage Group, Kirkton Hall

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Kirkmahoe Community Council Elections

Do you think you could make a difference?
Would you like to get involved in local issues?
Could you be a member of the Community Council?

If your answer is YES to any of these questions.........then to stand as a candidate in the Election on Thursday 4th October 2012 contact the Returning Officer Ms Jackie Bodle on 01387 740 082 for a nomination form NOW and return it to her no later than 7th September. 2012

If you would like to discuss what is involved in being a community councillor, please contact one of the present members (some of whom will be standing again)

Derek Ivy 740455
Hugh Johnstone 710121
Peter Landale 740279
Fiona Meikle -Latta 710307
Jean Muir 710216
Neil Munro 711664
John Young 710434

Monday, 27 August 2012

Race Night 12th October 7.30 pm Kirkton Hall

Race Night

 Friday 12th October at 7.30 pm

Admission FREE

Licensed Bar

Race Card includes 1 FREE Drink!

Kirkton Hall

If you would like to sponsor a race (£20) or a horse (£2) please contact

Fiona Meikle-Latta 710307 or


Thursday, 2 August 2012

Have you lost a grey cat?

 Has anyone lost a grey tom cat with a collar?
It is very friendly and it must belong to someone

Please contact K Ivy on 01387 740444 (if no one answers, please leave message)

The cat in the picture is not the actual cat!