Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Dear friends and colleagues,

Here is a link to a short film I just finished called 'The Luthiers of Fintry'.
The film was shot during a very recent trip to Fintry to visit the workshops of luthiers Bill Kelday, Sheena Laurie and Michael Ritchie. It features interviews and performances on various instruments and offers a glimpse into the lives of three lovely people who are dedicating their lives to the making of instruments.

There is a collection of photographs from the trip at my Facebook page.

For anyone considering coming on the 2012 Classical Guitar Retreat there are still a few places left, just contact me if you are interested in attending one of the most special classical guitar events in the world!

The fourth Classical Guitar Retreat takes place July 5th -9th at the Cathedral of the Isles on the Island of Cumbrae off the west coast of Scotland. CGR is a unique course set on a beautiful Scottish Island with some of the very best performers and educators working to guide, educate and inspire students of the Classical Guitar. A highlight of the 2012 course is a performance and masterclass by the fantastic Polish guitarist Marcin Dylla.
Best wishes,

Matthew McAllister

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Dalswinton Gardens are open this Sunday May 20th, 2-5pm, in aid of Scotland’s Gardens and Kirkmahoe Parish Church.

Kirkmahoe Diamond Jubilee Barbecue

Kirkton Village Green and Hall

Sunday 3rd June 6pm-10.30pm


7.00pm Opening Ceremony

7.10 pm Children’s Fancy Dress Competition*

7.15 ‘Kirkmahoe’s Got Talent’ Concert**

Compere: John Caskie

(Starring acts young and old, including music, song and poetry)


Licenced Bar


 *Children entering Fancy Dress Competition should gather at telephone kiosk at 6.45pm so we can get names and ages for parade at 7.10pm

**Anyone interested in taking part in the concert (all ages) please contact J Muir 710216 or email

Matthew's Classical Guitar Retreat 2012

Dear friends and colleagues,

Here are the details of the 2012 Classical Guitar Retreat.

The fourth Classical Guitar Retreat takes place July 5th -9th at the Cathedral of the Isles on the Island of Cumbrae off the west coast of Scotland. CGR is a unique course set on a beautiful Scottish Island with some of the very best performers and educators working to guide, educate and inspire students of the Classical Guitar. A highlight of the 2012 course is a performance and masterclass by the fantastic Polish guitarist Marcin Dylla.

There are still a few places left on the course, if you want to join us all in July get in contact soon to book a place!

You can book concert tickets at the CGR website:

Here is a link to the 2012 Concert Series Poster and the CGR Facebook Page.

For a taste of what to expect from the Classical Guitar Retreat watch this short video reviewing the 2011 event and previewing what is to come this July!

Best wishes,


KCC Minutes April 2012 Agenda May 2012

The next meeting of Kirkmahoe Community Council will be held in Kirkton Village Hall on Wednesday 16th May 2012 at 7.30pm

1.    Apologies for absence

2.    Minutes of the last meeting

3.    Matters arising

4.    Windfarms - Community Benefit

5.    Kirkton enhancements

6.    Community Council Election 2012

7.    Police Report

8.    Treasurer’s report

9.    Councillors’ report

10. Planning matters

11. Events

12. Correspondence

13. Any other competent business

14. Date and place of next meeting