Sunday, 18 September 2011

KCC Minutes August 2011 & Agenda Sept 2011

Charity Marathon Motorbike journey into N Africa

Natasha Moss who stays at Netherholm Farm and is a 6th year student at Wallace Hall Academy has asked me to let you know that she is taking a marathon motorbike journey into North Africa, accompanied by her father, in aid of Children In Need.

If you wish to support her and for more information please see

New Windfarms

New Windfarms There are two windfarm proposals for hills relatively close to us and there are two separate public exhibitions for anyone to attend. Someone from the Community Council will try to attend them, but they are for everyone who is interested. Anyone can comment on planning proposals.
1) Auchencairn Forest - Acciona are having three open evenings - 19th Sept in Ae Village Hall, 21st Sept in Closeburn, 22nd in Thornhill
2) Blackwood Windfarm - Force9Energy are having an exhibition from 11am-8pm in Auldgirth Village Hall on Wed 28th September
Kirkmahoe Concerts (A quick reminder - more information on Kirkmahoe News )
Auriga Strings
Sunday 18th September 2.30pm, Kirkmahoe Parish Church, Kirkton
Price: £8
All tickets from: The Midsteeple, Dumfries ; Thomas Tosh, Thornhill ; the venue on the day; or call David Clark on 01387 740045.

Jean Muir

BBQ & Ceilidh

 The evening proved a great success. It seems word is spreading about our Commnity Events as there were people from further afield than Kirmahoe also coming to enjoy our BBQ & Ceilidh.

Entertainment was provided by The Gallovidians.